Dear dear readers!
I´m so sorry about my "not being as active as I really want to"-behaviour here at det blog these days, but I´m trying to be a good PhD student and a good mother and prepare talks and fix the apartment and everything...and of course there's something about my internet connection at home these days - meaning, there is no internet for me there (Anders' Mac is fine, but suddenly it's not possible for me to connect) :/
Anyway; hope you understand, and please follow me on Instagram and Snapchat - I've just started to "figure out" Snapchat (haha), and I'm sharing pictures from everyday life at the University (and then some - Alexandra, for example :) ).
I'm @sunnivarose on Insta and Snap, of course ;)
(yes, I´m giving a talk about nuclear power and thorium tomorrow at one :) )
Altså, I hate to break it to you, men jeg kan forklare Instagram og Snapchat veldig enkelt:
SvarSlettInstagram er det jenter har for å ta bilde av hvor mye de trener, hvor god mat de lager, hvordan de har pynta seg til fest, og for å skrive om psykiske problemer de har så de kan få støtte.
Snapchat er for flørting og sextreff. Hjemmelaget pornografi. "Kjeder meg... Noen våken?"