"Nuclear. A lot of people find the word scary, almost nobody knows what it means. Enter girly blogger and nuclear physicist Sunniva Rose. Sushi and Nuclear is a soft, poetic and personal introduction to the world on a subatomic level. A mixture of tiny atoms and big bombs, physics and femininity.
Sushi & Nuclear is a 12 minutes documentary made by Norwegian production company Bulldozer Film in co-production with Bacon."
- behind the scenes -
Hei Sunniva
SvarSlettHva mener du om dette? http://www.fairewinds.org/nuclear-energy-education/fukushima-daiichi-decommissioning-follow-the-money
Er dette en såkalt konspirasjons-teori, eller er det ett snev av sannhet i det?
SvarSlettIs this the most English that I will find for you Rose?
Pardon, Sunniva Rose.