...a world without antibiotics.
Just before the weekend, Anders started feeling some pain around one of his wisdom teeth. It wasn't too bad to begin with, but it gradually became more painful, and on Friday he was popping painkillers continuously. On Saturday morning, it was still bearable with the painkillers, but he realised he had gotten an infection around this stupid wisdom tooth that didn't seem to go away by itself, and that he had to make an appointment with the dentist - so he did, but it still didn't feel that urgent, and he got an appointment on Monday morning. By Saturday night it was starting to be really bad, and during the night he called an emergency dentist, that would take him in on Sunday morning.
The dentist found that the infection was starting to go down Anders' throat, and that the he needed antibiotics immediately, and the tooth had to be removed.
After this episode, which hasn't been any dramatic (except, of course, for Anders' pain, and I feel very bad for him and all that), I have been thinking about what could have happened if this was 150 years ago; where maybe the infection would have continued to grow down his throat, and a stupid wisdom tooth would have ended up killing a 28 year old, completely healthy man...
Thank goodness for modern medicine and dentists and antibiotics!
But, oh, how I fear a world where we don't have antibiotics anymore; or, more precisely, a world where we don't have any effective antibiotics left. A world where all bacteria are immune to all kinds of antibiotics. What if that's where we're heading, and that we don't manage to change the direction we're going? What if one of the biggest achievements in the history of medicine will be lost?
I'm not an expert on the issue, but one thing I do know we can do as patients is to follow the doctor's orders on how to take our antibiotics: especially when it comes to the issue of NEVER stopping the treatment just because you feel fine, and also we need to respect those times when the doctor isn't giving us antibiotics, because it isn't 100% necessary :)
PS: I think Anders would also have said thank goodness for real painkillers, if I'd asked him before posting this ;)
Jeg er redd for folk som ikke klarer å forstå helheten i ting, som bare skjønner det de selv vil skjønne. Spesielt når deres uvitenhet påvirker andre...
SvarSlettDet er absolutt skremmende, ja. Folk som feks ikke fullfører en antibiotikakur, slik de har fått beskjed om, faller jo egentlig inn i denne kategorien.
SlettDe to siste punktene dine beskriver helt korrekt hva som er det aller viktigste vi som pasienter kan bidra med: Ikke presse legen til å gi oss antibiotica når det strengt tatt ikke er nødvendig, og ALLTID fullføre HELE antibiotikakuren. Hvis ikke gjør man det aller verste man kan gjøre, man trigger resistens. De sterkeste bakteriene overlever når antibiotikamengden ligger litt under 100% av effektiv dose. Vi selekterer altså dermed frem de "sterkeste" bakteriene til å leve vidre og til å stadig mutere til mer og mer motstandsdyktige former, før man helt til slutt ender opp med helt resistente bakterier. Det samme er for øvrig tilfelle når man for eksempel bruker Zalo med anti-bakt-effekt! Det er noe av det tåpligeste som noen gang er oppfunnet, spør du meg...
SvarSlettTakk for utfyllende kommentar :)
SlettHar ikke tenkt noe videre over det med Zalo med anti-bac, men når du sier det sånn som du gjør så høres det jo helt vilt ut - kan ikke egentlig skjønne at det er lov... Har heldigvis ikke en generell bakterieskrekk, så har personlig aldri følt noe behov for ting som Zalo med anti-bac, og etter din kommentar kommer det heller ikke til å være noe jeg vil kjøpe. Takk for tipset!
But, bacterium are the most pervasive species on this planet. And one could make a case that human subsistence itself is dependent on the balance of microbes in our guts and various other parts of the body.
SvarSlettShould we then risk destroying/endangering a fair amount of good bacteria for momentary relief?
Further, bacteria play an important role in the maintenance of the food cycle for the entire species on this planet. So, I am loathe to give too much credit to antibiotics despite their near term efficacy.
Alternately, one can also consider natural acids (apple cider vinegar) or fever (elevated temperature kills bacteria), or ingested acidity (spicy food) as a means to fight bacteria instead of wholesale warfare ...
Jeg deler dette vitnesbyrdet til partnere som lider i forholdet sitt fordi det finnes en varig løsning.
SvarSlettMannen min forlot meg og våre 2 barn for en annen kvinne i 3 år. Jeg prøvde å være sterk bare for barna mine, men jeg kunne ikke kontrollere smertene som plager hjertet mitt. Jeg ble såret og forvirret. Jeg trengte hjelp, så jeg forsket litt på internett og kom over et nettsted der jeg så at Dr. DAWN ACUNA, en trollformler, kan hjelpe å få elskere tilbake. Jeg tok kontakt med henne og hun ba en spesiell bønn og trollformler for meg. Til mine overraskelser kom mannen min hjem etter 3 dager. Det var slik vi ble gjenforent igjen og det var mye kjærlighet, glede og fred i familien.
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